Australian Senate to probe underlying factors of troubling excess deaths

The Australian Senate has voted in favour of investigating the troubling surge in excess deaths over the past two years.

The decision comes in response to mounting concerns regarding the significant rise in mortality rates, which have surpassed historical averages by alarming margins. 

The successful motion, put forward by Senator Babet and the United Australia Party, has tasked the Community Affairs References Committee with conducting a thorough investigation into the underlying factors contributing to excess mortality.

This includes soliciting submissions from the public and conducting public hearings, with a final report expected by August 31, 2024.

"This marks the fifth attempt to address this critical issue, and I am relieved that the Senate has finally recognised the necessity of this investigation," remarked Senator Babet. 

The motion received majority support in the Senate, with 31 in favour and 30 against. Senator Babet expressed gratitude towards Senator Pocock, Senator Lambie, One Nation, Senator Thorpe, Senator Tyrell, and the Coalition for their support. However, he criticised the Labor party and the Greens for voting against the motion.

The rise in excess deaths, which began in 2021 and peaked in 2022, has raised significant concerns, with the Australian Bureau of Statistics reporting a notable increase compared to baseline averages.

Despite revisions in modelling techniques, the undeniable fact remains that Australia has witnessed unprecedented levels of excess mortality over the past three years, indicating a need for comprehensive investigation beyond the scope of COVID-19-related deaths.

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