Swastikas were on convoy protesters' flags to 'imply gov't was acting like Nazis,' says the CSIS

A previously secret briefing note obtained by Blacklock's Reporter and penned by the federal spy agency debunks the narrative that the convoy to Ottawa protest was some modern-day Nuremberg rally.

The memo, Freedom Convoy 2022: The Imagery And Significance Of Flags, according to Blacklock's, was written four days after the collective freak-out by the mainstream media and the Liberals when a solitary, unknown, unidentified man was seen on parliament hill holding a large swastika flag.

The new revelations mean that the Liberals knew that the oft-repeated allegations that the month-long anti-convoy protests in the nation's capital were not some sort of Nazi-adjacent occupation of white supremacists but were instead peaceful demonstrators calling the Liberals' discriminatory pandemic actions Nazi-like.

Prime Minister Trudeau had previously accused Conservative MPs, including Melissa Lantsman, who is Jewish, of standing with racist extremists.

The outlandish allegations made international news.

However, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) memo noted:

Within the crowd were a very small number of flags bearing racist or bigoted imagery. These included the Confederate flag and Nazi flags.

Others included offensive statements directed at the Prime Minister. These flags can be easily purchased online. The anti-Trudeau flag, for example, is available for sale on Amazon.

A small number of individuals displayed handwritten statements or images on their flags in an attempt to focus their message.

Specifically, several added a swastika to their flag, not necessarily to self-identify as Nazis but to imply the Prime Minister and federal government are acting like Nazis by imposing public health mandates.

Freedom of expression is constitutionally protected in Canada.

The Trudeau government may be playing a game of deflection by accusing political foes of the anti-Semitism the Liberals seem to be turning a blind eye to within their own ranks.

Canada's deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland, was recently photographed holding the scarf of a Ukrainian neo-Nazi group.

Liberal Minister of Diversity and inclusion Ahmed Hussen was forced to apologize last month for hiring a raging anti-Semite, Laith Marouf, to run anti-racism programs after ignoring the brewing scandal for weeks. 

To see real-time accurate coverage of the convoy to Ottawa protests from journalists who were there, be sure to visit www.ConvoyReports.com.

Sheila Gunn Reid

Chief Reporter

Sheila Gunn Reid is the Alberta Bureau Chief for Rebel News and host of the weekly The Gunn Show with Sheila Gunn Reid. She's a mother of three, conservative activist, and the author of best-selling books including Stop Notley.


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