Our friends at Canadians for Truth played host to former Alaska governor and republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin this weekend and she joined Rebel News for an exclusive and in-depth interview.
Palin, despite her extensive experience in politics as a mayor and eventually as a governor with a lengthy stretch of very high approval numbers, was often misrepresented and even misquoted by news outlets with damaging effect and even famously mockingly portrayed in caricature by Tina Fey on SNL. While the Alaskan politician says she generally took it all in stride, understanding that being a vice-presidential candidate comes with a level of public scrutiny, it was hard to ignore the fact that rather than engaging with her ideas, people on the left were denigrating her character and engaging in personal attacks.
Sarah Palin may very well be one of the first instances of modern political cancel culture, and when you consider the relatively light touch that Democrat politicians like AOC, Clinton and Omar receive whether in the media and the courts, it is unsurprising that it was then, as it is today, the left leading the cancel culture charge. Had Palin been a Democrat, she too surely would have held up as a media darling, but as a conservative Republican woman she was fair game. We discussed how she persevered and continues to preserver through all the negative attention to this very day.
Donald Trump, similarly, hasn’t been granted any leniency by media or powers that be, whether it be the ongoing indictments or the concerted efforts to mischaracterize him in the news, but as Palin relayed and can attest to in her own experience, the Trump they present in the media is far from the man she knows in real life, and she believes the efforts to destroy him will leave him even more emboldened as they did for her. Palin share that she has once again endorsed Trump for the upcoming Republican nomination.
We asked Palin about the media disparity and its left leaning slant both in American news and in the even more glaringly biased world of state funded Canadian media, and about how difficult it can be to garner the truth when journalists fail to do their jobs and present the facts as the find them.
North American energy independence and the strengthening of trade between natural and long-time allies Canada and the United States was also discussed, with particular emphasis on responsible and ethical energy being shared by our two nations with similar values, rather than the further enrichment of nations with questionable ethical and human rights legacies.
Palin also addressed the evident disconnect from reality among many progressives, particularly environmentalists, who deride entire industries while hypocritically enjoying the wealth and quality of life that they create, in addition to blasting Biden’s ideologically motivated cancelation of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Finally, Palin talked about the incredible inspiration that the Canadian truckers who participated in the Freedom Convoy provided to people all over the world, in addition to breaking down the inept and embarrassing leadership of the increasingly unpopular Justin Trudeau.
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