Investigating the fake First Nation running the illegal Coastal GasLink blockade

Foriegn funded ecoterrorists are blockading one of Canada's last economic lifelines.

The jobs of British Columbians and Albertans alike depend on getting resources to market, and a small band of blockading radicals are trying to put a stop to the liquid natural gas pipeline known as GasLink.

I was the second reporter in the entire country to cross the RCMP checkpoint at the GasLink protest, and I headed deep into the exclusion zone to speak face to face with these radicals.

I learned a lot, and my security detail did a great job extracting me when his senses started tingling. The first thing I learned is that these bandits are hypocrites. They have laid lethal traps that could kill law enforcement or journalists like myself. Tire bombs and widowmakers, they call them. Trees ready to fall on vehicles and people with just a slight breeze, indiscriminately.

It's dangerous territory, but we got what we came for. We are working on associating names with the folks we found. This story is developing.

So, if you think this story is worth telling, please visit to help out!

Keean Bexte


Keean Bexte is Rebel News' travelling correspondent. Keean has broken stories from the White House to Hong Kong, covering the other side of the story wherever it is.


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