BREAKING: Kenney may replace Ottawa's Chief Firearms Officer with new Albertan appointee

Following Justin Trudeau’s ideological and ham-fisted ban on Canadian firearms today, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has said that the Alberta government is making moves to fire Justin Trudeau’s Chief Firearms Officer for Alberta.

In a statement released today, Kenney said that his government is:

“...actively considering appointing Alberta’s own Chief Firearms Officer to replace the CFO appointed by Ottawa.”

This comes after widespread outrage resulting from Trudeau’s Friday announcement, banning regular, non-automatic firearms.

Trudeau’s announcement repeatedly used the made-up term “military style” weapons, a term that doesn’t exist anywhere in any legislation.

Trudeau’s sweeping decree bans 1,500 styles of firearms without any sort of parliamentary debate. The order was simply issued unilaterally from the Cabinet.

Along with banning the Ruger Mini-14, a small farm tool which many ranchers use for herd protection, Trudeau also banned the MARK 153 SMAW Rocket Launcher, the Missile Launcher FGM-148 Javelin, along with the Russian Artillery M1942 Anti-Tank Gun.

This obviously unfair comparison has infuriated Canadians.

Jason Kenney fired back against the Trudeau government, saying:

“We know that the overwhelming majority of firearms used criminally in Canada are smuggled in illegally from the United States. Instead of addressing this, Ottawa will instead spend vast sums of money to criminalize law-abiding Canadians. That money would be far better used to pursue the smugglers and drug gangs that plague our society.”

Kenney’s announcement is another move in a plan to distance the province from the federal government.

The Fair Deal Panel is expected to release their findings soon, with one possible move being to scrap the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Alberta, and replace them with a provincial force.

Keean Bexte


Keean Bexte is Rebel News' travelling correspondent. Keean has broken stories from the White House to Hong Kong, covering the other side of the story wherever it is.


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