Over 10,000 British Columbians joined a nationwide parental rights protest called the 1 Million March 4 Children

Wednesday was a day of protests across the nation and British Columbia was no exception. Out of the 92 cities that saw protests, and some counter protests for the 1 Million March 4 Children, British Columbia had 27 cities participate.

Rebel News deployed journalists across the country to bring you up close footage of the nationwide school walk out and protest against the sexual indoctrination of kids in schools. We also captured many of the counter protests which were pushed by woke unions and political leaders who labelled the parent led 1 Million March 4 Children as a movement fuelled by hate, extremists and fascists.

In this report we bring you boots on the coverage from three BC cities that all had a unique outcome to their march.

Perhaps the largest of the BC protests to have taken place occurred in Surrey, BC.

Led by Freedom Party of BC Leader, Amrit Birring, approximately 2000 families and other concerned citizens marched from Bear Creek Park to the Minister of Education Rachna Singh’s office.

Police were heavily present and blocked off a portion of King George Highway as the large group of protesters came head to head with a much smaller group of counter-protesters. The smaller group consisted mostly of union representatives from the Surrey Teachers Association — which publicly labelled the protesters members of a hate group  — and the BC Teachers Federation.

In Vancouver, aggressive counter protesters who appeared to have taken woke unions calls to intimidate and take over the parents rights march seriously, outnumbered citizens including children who came to participate in the 1 Million March 4 Kids.

Protesters chanting phrases like “leave the kids alone” followed by counter protesters who condemned them gathered at CTV headquarters. They were lead by James Davison and Marcella Desjarlais with Stand United to hear speeches at Jack Poole plaza. Demonstrators also gathered at the Vancouver Art Gallery where interactions got heated.

Coquitlam BC’s protest and counter protest went rather smoothly. While a significantly outnumbered group of counter protesters preemptively gathered in front of the Coquitlam City Hall to impact the hundreds of parents who came out for the march, the marchers passed them by and gathered in a new location where their concerns could be heard.

Check out our special website called StopClassroomGrooming.com to join others in fighting sexual agendas targeting school kids. We’ve set up a petition you can sign in a matter of seconds which we will be delivering to Ministers of Education across Canada.

If you appreciate that Rebel News deployed journalists across Canada to bring you reports like this, please donate what you can to help us cover the security costs we incurred to keep our reporters safe.

Drea Humphrey

B.C. Bureau Chief

Based in British Columbia, Drea Humphrey reports on Western Canada for Rebel News. Drea’s reporting is not afraid to challenge political correctness, or ask the tough questions that mainstream media tends to avoid.


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