Religious exemption to the vaccine mandate? Nathaniel Pawlowski shares his experience

Nathaniel Pawlowski, son of pastor Artur Pawlowski, managed to finally obtain an exemption from Mount Royal University and joined us to share about the invasive and marginalizing experience of trying to have his religious beliefs respected by the school.

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Mount Royal University is one of the overwhelming majority of schools who have sadly failed to respect the medical freedom and privacy of their students by enforcing a vaccine mandate. While a vaccinated person can spread COVID-19 — and a person with a negative test almost certainly cannot — school administrators across Canada are so married to the idea of vaccines being the only solution, that facts like these don’t matter. No reasonable accommodations, such as frequent testing or comprehensive online learning, are being offered to students who are not vaccinated.

For many students, the opposition to the vaccines stems from deeply-held and charter-protected religious convictions. Sadly, reports are that a vast majority of religious exemption claims are being denied at Mount Royal University. We have heard similar stories of mass denials at other schools, even among lifelong, devout and practicing people of faith. There is clearly an ideological, and non-scientific, bias in favour of vaccines within universities that is so well-rooted that administration is eager to disregard religious freedoms and legal precedent (see Syndicat Northcrest V. Amselem) in order to enforce mask mandates.

Nathaniel Pawlowski, who after appealing the rejection of his religious exemption managed to finally obtain one from Mount Royal University, joined us to share about the invasive and marginalizing experience of trying to have his religious beliefs respected by the school. Nathaniel also shared how among the expansive network of students opposed to vaccines, he was the only one who succeed in seeking a religious exemption. He also noted that while the school did say they accepted some applications, he believes he may be the only Christian to have been granted one. Nathaniel shared some words of advice and encouragement for other students and let us know what he had to do to ensure his rights were upheld.

We reached out to Mount Royal University, and they provided the following response:

"Mount Royal University's position on Covid-19 is contained here: MRU Covid 19 Directive. It outlines (#4) how individuals at MRU may apply for an Accommodation under protected grounds as enumerated by the Human Rights Act."

It is completely unreasonable for university students to be subjected to a Spanish Inquisition style interrogation to prove their beliefs are deeply held in order to be exempted from a coercive medical tyranny. Students should be worrying about grades and future careers, not petitioning for their fundamental rights. If you agree, sign our petition at make a donation at

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