Truckers are heroes of the pandemic — but being denied bathroom access

If coping with the Coronovirus has taught us anything, it is surely this:

We now realize who is essential in terms of keeping the economy going (and even society intact for that matter) and who is not.

In other words, doctors and nurses are more vital right now than ever before. As for those professors of Gender Studies? Not so much.

But there is another champion profession out there:

Truckers — the true superheroes of the supply chain.

Without truckers logging hundreds (or even thousands) of kilometres to bring the goods to market, the shelves of Costco and Walmart would be bare.

Alas, not all of us are appreciative. When these truckers make deliveries at many places, they are being actually being denied the use of the bathroom!

Often they are told to go elsewhere; sometimes they are actually told to do their business behind their rigs!

This is deplorable. This in unsanitary and unhealthy — even in times when we’re not dealing with a global pandemic.

Indeed, check out my one-on-one interview with veteran trucker Guy Broderick with Mississauga, Ontario-based APPS Transport Group.

Incredibly, the denial of this basic human right is more widespread than you might think.

Hopefully, however, adverse publicity will turn the tide.

After all, a few days ago, an understandably pissed-off Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, weighed in on this crappy situation. Said Premier Ford:

“Let them [truckers] use your washrooms because if it wasn’t for the truckers, you [businesses] wouldn’t even be open. You wouldn’t even have any items on your stores if it wasn’t for these same people who are hauling goods from one end of our country to the other and getting essential services through.”

David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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