EXCLUSIVE: Trudeau gov't planned to use military to monitor tweets critical of pandemic response
Justin Trudeau’s Liberals intended to use the military to crack down on what anti-government information during the coronavirus pandemic. And it would have happened had cooler heads in the military not put a stop to the Liberals plan to use military resources to stop the free speech of normal citizens.
Canadians got the first whiff of it in this story in The Chronicle Herald back in June.
So, naturally, we at Rebel went looking for the documents referenced in that Chronicle Herald and now we have them to show you. It was called Operation LASER.
I can tell you now that the military planned a drill to practice their response to tweets the government didn’t like about the coronavirus, while monitoring those lockdown skeptics who might damage the reputation of the government with their prickliness on social media. It’s Stasi stuff.
It’s all here in a 15-page access to information document package we received from the Department of National Defence.
Like this section titled: "The Harmful Information Response Drill."
Now, before we try to excuse away harmful information as hostile propaganda from a foreign entity, the government makes it clear that they are dealing with harmful information as opposed to propaganda. And you'll note they're using the word information not misinformation as in, this is just information they don't want you to know.
You can see that they analyze the source of the information: the tweet; the account owner; the number of followers and probable location the tweet was coming from; the content of the tweet; the audience the tweet was directed at; the effectiveness of the tweet, including the number of retweets and likes; if the tweet garnered significant media attention.
The dangerous threat the government wanted the CAF to monitor tweets for was “anything that can damage perception, confidence or credibility.”
The liberals wanted the military monitoring their critics and pandemic skeptics, and all that stopped those tyrants was the military themselves. I’m sure we’d all be monitored by the military by now if Trudeau had his way.
To read the full documents for yourself and to support our access to information investigation into the Trudeau Liberals, please go to: PropagandaPlan.com
Sheila Gunn Reid
Chief Reporter
Sheila Gunn Reid is the Alberta Bureau Chief for Rebel News and host of the weekly The Gunn Show with Sheila Gunn Reid. She's a mother of three, conservative activist, and the author of best-selling books including Stop Notley.