'Queer Theory' has now infiltrated math and science: Dr. James Lindsay
On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, author Dr. James Lindsay joined the show to discuss how Queer Theory is impacting America's youth through its infiltration of educational institutions.
Mr. Lindsay recently released a new book called The Queering of the American Child, which dives deeper into how Queer Theory and gender ideology are poisoning the minds of impressionable young students.
As stated by Ezra Levant, "I know you think I'm joking, but there's an idea out there of teaching queer math. I'm not joking, I thought it was a joke myself. How can math be queer? Doesn't queer mean gay? Isn't two plus two four no matter what?"
"And yet if you look just a little bit, you'll see that 'queering math' is everywhere. And you'll find out that two plus two doesn't necessarily equal four. I've seen the most absurd explanations for this," he added.
— Rebel News Canada (@RebelNews_CA) March 13, 2024
Dr. James Lindsay on the Marxist push to make children queer
Tonight, Ezra interviews American author Dr. James Lindsay on his latest book, where he discusses the Marxist push to make children queer.https://t.co/HdJSGdbNfd
Mr. Lindsay explained the origins of Queer Theory and how it was essentially created by a man named David Halperin in 1995. In his book breaking down Queer Theory, Halperin wrote, "queer identity need not be grounded in any positive truth or in any stable reality."
"So anything normal, anything legitimate, and of course this is a woke theory so anything they can tie to the word dominance has to be resisted on principle," said Lindsay.
He added that "Even if Queer Theory were to be normalized it would have to resist itself on principle as a matter of fact."
Gender ideology being taught in schools has been a topic of contention in Canada as well in recent years. Alberta Premier Danielle Smith recently announced policies that would restrict youth from accessing puberty blockers or so called "gender-affirming" surgery.
This is just an excerpt from last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show. To watch full episodes of The Ezra Levant Show and more exclusive content, subscribe to RebelNews+.