Help Joshua Update: Mall spokesperson, security silent when confronted about incident

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Given the public outcry regarding the outrageous assault of Canadian soldier Joshua Walker, it would appear that the security guards at Upper Canada Mall aren’t acting so tough these days…

You may recall our story regarding Cpl. Joshua Walker and his pregnant girlfriend, Samantha-Lynn Johnson. They visited Upper Canada Mall in Newmarket earlier this month to do some shopping. But because Walker had the temerity to actually eat a sandwich in the mall’s food court (apparently you can buy food there, but not eat it for some insane reason) Joshua and Samantha-Lynn were told to leave the mall!

And they proceeded to do just that…

But a funny thing happened on the way to the exit: when Joshua likened the mall cops to The Three Stooges, they lost it. They assaulted him and tackled him to the floor. Outrageous! To add insult to injury, Joshua was then criminally charged by the real police!

We are now legally representing Joshua to fight this injustice, and if you’re able to contribute a donation, please visit

Naturally, we reached out to the mall to get their side of the story. But the mall’s spokeswoman, Adrienne Simic, couldn’t be bothered to return our email. But she did state the following to the local Newmarket newspaper: “At the time of this event, our guard approached two groups who were eating in the food court. One guest acquiesced and left with his food. The other guests refused, became increasingly aggressive and the security guard requested additional security support to escort them from the food court. The security team called York Regional Police for assistance and one of the guests was ultimately arrested.”

But that’s clearly not true. The video shows the couple was cooperating. They were leaving the mall. So why did Simic defame them in such a manner?

So it was that we paid a visit to Upper Canada Mall to get Simic to make a statement. But neither she, nor anyone else in the mall’s administration office, would appear on camera.

As we were leaving, we happened upon Curly, Larry and Moe — er, I mean the mall’s security guards. Instead of going on the offensive, they scurried away and took a vow of silence. (They also apparently called York Regional Police on us; two cruisers were dispatched to the mall, but the cops thankfully didn’t do anything.)

But we still have questions that are unanswered. Such as:

  • Spokeswoman Adrienne Simic stated that Joshua and Samantha refused to leave, but the video evidence tells a different story. Why did she state something that is factually untrue?

  • Has Upper Canada Mall issued an apology to Joshua and Samantha-Lynn?

  • Has the mall preserved the security camera footage of this incident?

  • Was this a case of racial profiling, given that other people in the food court committing the same “offence” were not treated as harshly as Joshua, who is black?

Stay tuned as we continue to probe for answers.

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  • By David Menzies


Legal defense fund for Cpl. Joshua Walker for a civil lawsuit against the security guards and the mall; and a lawyer to help defend Joshua against the criminal charges.


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