INTERVIEW: Man given six times the normal dose of Pfizer vaccine when getting his first COVID shot

Due to new rules from governments around the world, travelling to various countries has become extremely difficult — with new legislation in place making it difficult for the unvaccinated to even visit their home countries without taking the experimental jab.

In this report, a young man was given SIX TIMES the normal dose on his first vaccination, when an NHS worker accidentally forgot to dilute the Pfizer vaccine before injecting him. The worker said he "assumed it was already diluted".

According to UNISON:

Overworked healthcare assistants not given proper training or supervision

Healthcare assistants (HCAs) are being expected to do the work of nurses without adequate training or proper supervision, according to survey results. Nearly two thirds (63%) say they are being left to care for patients without enough support from doctors and nurses. The impact is that almost two in five (39%) of HCAs say they do not feel confident that those they are caring for are safe. The findings are based on a survey of nearly 2,000 HCAs across the UK with the majority working in hospitals, as well as in mental health, in the community and in GP practices. More than half (51%) say they have not received adequate training for performing tasks such as dressing the wounds of patients, giving out medication and changing stoma bags.

Whilst this article may have been from 2018, more news has arisen from NHS Trusts indicating that the organisation is hiring non-nurses for nursing roles.

As reported by The Guardian:

NHS trusts are recruiting people without the right qualifications to act as registered nurses, despite the risk to patients, the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has warned.

It criticised what it claims is a worrying trend driven by the widespread shortage of nurses in England, where there are almost 35,000 unfilled NHS nursing posts.

The RCN said the employment of non-nurses to work as nurses in hospitals and mental health facilities “should set alarm bells ringing with ministers” and would lead to worse care.


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