Nobody questions the Arab nations' legitimacy, only Israel's: Barbara Kay

Since October 7, when Hamas launched a deadly terror attack against Israel, the subsequent conflict in Gaza has led to numerous protests around the world. In the West, Islamists and their often unwitting allies among the far-left have regularly held marches calling for the destruction of the Jewish state.

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, columnist Barbara Kay joined to talk about her new piece in the National Post: “Israel a true Indigenous success story”.

In her column, Barbara discusses the support seen from New Zealand's Indigenous community, who find a great deal in common with Israel.

Discussing how Israel's critics only seem to view the lone 'illegitimate' state in the Middle East, Barbara explained to Ezra how the country, like many others, was created during the breakup of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War:

After the First World War was over, 23 new nations came out in the Middle East that were kind of 'decolonized'. And 22 of them were Arab, and one was Jewish. Nobody ever questions the legitimacy of all the 22 Arab nations that were created. 

Jordan is a was a new nation the same time as Israel, Syria was new, Lebanon. Not all, Egypt is an ancient country and has always been there, but a lot of the countries surrounding Israel became nations at the same time Israel did. 

Nobody's ever questioned their legitimacy — only Israel's. 

Rebel News


Articles written by staff at Rebel News to help tell the other side of the story. 


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