Pfizer partners with trans-advocacy organization while profiting from transition-related drugs

Pfizer's vast portfolio includes Depo-Estradiol, a feminizing drug; Aldactone and Depo-Provera, used to block male hormones; and Depo-Testosterone and Synarel, used for masculinizing effects and puberty blocking respectively.

Pfizer partners with trans-advocacy organization while profiting from transition-related drugs
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Pfizer, the pharmaceutical powerhouse, is under the spotlight for its collaboration with the GenderCool Project, an organization that fervently champions the stories of transgender kids. This news comes amidst Pfizer's revenue stream from puberty blockers and cross-sex hormone therapies, as reported by the Daily Wire.

GenderCool is celebrated by woke progressives for its advocacy work, successfully getting its young ambassadors featured in prominent media outlets, including The New York Times and The Today Show. They also distribute books to young audiences, aimed at celebrating and normalizing the concept of gender diversity.

Though currently absent from GenderCool's list of sponsors, Pfizer is featured on a document obtained by the Daily Wire, detailing the different sponsorship levels. This arrangement involves an annual financial commitment ranging from $5,000 for copper sponsorship to $35,000 for platinum partners. In return, companies receive several perks, including support for employees with trans and non-binary children and access to GenderCool events.

While the specifics of Pfizer's sponsorship remain unclear, it's interesting to note the company's varied product range used by individuals transitioning to the opposite sex. Their portfolio includes Depo-Estradiol, a feminizing drug; Aldactone and Depo-Provera, used to block male hormones; and Depo-Testosterone and Synarel, used for masculinizing effects and puberty-blocking respectively.

Additionally, Pfizer has sponsored the Human Rights Campaign’s "health equity index," which encourages hospitals to provide gender-affirming care. Pfizer isn't alone in this arena, however; Abbvie Pharmaceuticals and Bayer Pharmaceuticals have also shown support for the GenderCool Project while profiting from drugs used in medical transitions.

Critics argue that such affiliations raise ethical questions, with accusations that the pharmaceutical industry may be promoting trans narratives for profit. January Littlejohn, a Patient Advocate with Do No Harm, criticized this association, stating, "These medical interventions are costly, and they must be maintained for the lifetime of the user, generating significant profits for Big Pharma.” She further noted that such partnerships might aim to normalize mental health issues to maximize potential profits.

“It is not surprising that big pharma would partner with an organization aiming to normalize a mental health issue from which they would profit immensely,” Littlejohn said.

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