Saskatchewan Bylaw
Masks mandatory in indoor public places, including (among others) healthcare facilities, retail businesses, service businesses, restaurants and bars, places of worship, places for cultural or entertainment activities, places for recreational activities, government or municipal facilities.
Masks mandatory in common areas of office buildings, hotels, apartment and condo buildings, and public areas of post secondary education facilities.
Masks mandatory at public transit stations, and while riding public transit.
- Children under age 2
- Persons aged 3-12 who are not reasonably able to wear a mask
- People whose medical condition (as determined by a health professional) prevents them from wearing a mask
- People unable to understand mask requirement due to cognitive impairment, intellectual disability, or severe mental health condition
- While participating in aquatic activities
- Where short term removal of mask is necessary for identification or to receive a personal or health service
- When providing personal support services to an individual with a disability when wearing a mask could hinder the ability of that individual to receive the service
- While in an area of the enclosed setting to which members of the public do not normally have access, and the individual is alone
- Restaurants and public indoor areas when eating or drinking while seated or in designated area
- Religious leaders who are leading a service or ceremony while speaking from an area dedicated to speaking, only when they can maintain a distance of 3 metres from others
- Persons playing mouth-operated instruments, only when they can maintain a distance of 3 metres from others
See “Additional Public Health Order – January 26, 2021”:
Updated: February 16, 2021