BREAKING: Trump campaign wins legal victory in Pennsylvania

BREAKING: Trump campaign wins legal victory in Pennsylvania
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President Trump has won a legal victory in the battleground state of Pennsylvania, where an appellate judge has awarded the Trump campaign the right to observe the counting of ballots.

The Trump campaign first filed legal actions in the Keystone State on Wednesday, making a request that vote counts be stopped until better access was provided for Republican observers at polling stations.

Speaking to reporters during a call on Thursday morning, Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien said the ruling would also allow for a review of counting that has already occurred.

“The media and the insiders is in the city, they’ve been trying to count Donald Trump out for years,” Stepien said to the reporters on the call. “Donald Trump is alive and well.”

The president has seen a 400,000 ballot lead in Pennsylvania on Wednesday, but that lead slowly decreased as more mail-in ballots were tabulated, shrinking that total down to 135,000 votes.

With both Trump and Biden campaigns declaring victory in Pennsylvania before the official count has concluded, the state has become a key focal point for both parties, with a precious 20 electoral college votes dangling in the balance.

A loss in Pennsylvania would very likely sink the chances for the re-election of President Trump. Stepien, however, remained confident.

“We will win Pennsylvania. I have as much confidence today as I had yesterday. We also won a major victory in Pennsylvania this morning that helps ensure the transparency and openness that Pennsylvania deserves is held true,” Stepien added.


A reporter for Fox43 in Pennsylvania is reporting that a spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said that there is no filing, and that the court has not made any decisions.

Stay tuned for updates as they come.

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