Christian alternative to Drag Queen story hours goes nationwide

A few months ago, Rebel News was joined by Pastor Tim Stephens of Fairview Baptist Church who shared about an initiative he and his church put together to provide an alternative to the drag queen story hours that have been popping up in libraries across the country. His events, called True Readings with True Royalty, are open to all and feature age-appropriate stories that affirm biological gender and celebrate the positive aspects of masculinity and femininity. You can catch our first conversation about those events here.

You may recall Pastor Tim Stephens as one of the Calgary pastors who was arrested and spent time behind bars for daring to keep his church open throughout Covid-19.

Prompted by Calgary’s progressive activist mayor Jyoti Gondek, legal peaceful protests against drag queen story hours by parents and activists concerned over the inappropriateness of their content have effectively been banned with unreasonable restrictions on how and where people can gather in opposition. You can learn more about that debacle at

Calgary also saw several large Muslim-led protests against LGBTQ indoctrination in schools, another space traditionally reserved for academics that has also been co-opted by progressive activists and drag story hours. You can watch those protests and the protests that have taken place against the radical agendas being pushed in schools at

Pastor Tim Stephens set out to provide an option for parents and families who wanted a space to gather, hear stories and enjoy fellowship without being exposed to progressive radicalism, and with the recently concluded pride month perpetually pushing the rainbow everywhere folks look, many parents in attendance share how nice it was to have a space where they can bring their kids without worrying that they might be exposed to something inappropriate or potentially damaging.

Pastor Tim also relayed that this wasn’t just about providing an alternative to drag events, but rather the True Readings from True Royalty events are a positive celebration of boyhood and girlhood and an affirmation of the goodness of how we were made. The positive message has caught on, and now these events are taking place at libraries across the country. I joined Pastor Tim Stephens to discuss.

For more stories about the fed-up parents, grandparents and families of all backgrounds and faiths who are saying enough is enough and rejecting the progressive brainwashing of our children be sure to check in regularly at

Adam Soos

Calgary-based Journalist


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