CONTEST: Trudeau, Scheer or Bernier? Get one of our three NEW t-shirts!

We’ve got a lot of great stuff for sale at the re-designed Rebel News store — including our trademark “Make Canada Great Again” hats!

But we’ve got three new t-shirts that I want to show you — a Justin Trudeau shirt, an Andrew Scheer shirt and a Maxime Bernier shirt (because we’re non-partisan that way!)

What do you think of them?

Which one would you wear?

We’re having a contest: which shirt will be the most popular in the next seven days?

VOTE NOW by clicking on over to the store and buying your favourite.

We’ll make sure you get the shirt quickly, so you can proudly wear it around town as a great conversation starter.

Are you a Bernier man? We’ve got you covered.

Voting for Scheer? We’ve got a shirt for that too.

And of course, we’ve got a shirt for the Liberal in your life — Trudeau, the racist groper. (We’ve actually got two different versions of those — including his blackface grope.)

So head on over now and vote — which t-shirt do you think is best? Vote with your dollars by buying your favourite shirt — and we’ll announce the winner next week!



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