Csaba Vizi, one of the last truckers removed from the Freedom Convoy, says his spirit is unbroken

We recently visited Windsor, Ont., the home of Csaba Vizi. Vizi was one of the last truckers to be removed by police from the Ottawa Freedom Convoy almost a year and a half ago, and the cops did it in a disgraceful fashion.

Indeed, Vizi’s story received international publicity — and with good reason. When he was removed from his truck, his hands over his head, he fully expected to be arrested. But he never imagined that he’d be beaten by the Ottawa police. Inexplicably, that’s what happened. As well, police vandalized the interior of his truck’s cab.

It makes one wonder: just who are the criminals here?

The takedown was somewhat psychologically damaging as well. After all, Vizi left his homeland of Romania some 20 years ago for the freedom of Canada. But given the actions of the Trudeau Liberals, such as the invocation of the Emergencies Act, it now feels as though a little bit of Romania has crossed the ocean and taken up residence in our Dominion these days.

The pettiness and vindictiveness of law enforcement in enacting the Emergencies Act also came as a shock to Vizi.

For example, Ottawa police confiscated his truck key, meaning that Vizi has to start his truck with a screwdriver, and he cannot lock his vehicle when it is parked. The police have told him to come back to Ottawa to retrieve his key — but it can only be him, not a courier or a family member. It’s a trap, of course, given that part of Vizi’s bail conditions means that he cannot return to our nation’s capital, or he will be arrested again. Despicable.

These days, Vizi says his body is bruised and he has endured great financial hardship, but his spirit remains unbroken. Check out our interview with this fantastic freedom fighter.

David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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