How do you feel about a movie calling for eco-terrorism against oil companies?

Tonight on the Ezra Levant Show, Ezra talks about a film called "How to Blow up a Pipeline" that is currently showing in theaters across Canada, and it's causing quite a stir.

The movie, which is targeted at teenagers and twenty-somethings, openly promotes terrorism. Its trailer on YouTube has garnered 1.5 million views, and the film has received glowing reviews from movie critics. According to the movie review website Rotten Tomatoes, 95% of critics love it, while 73% of movie-goers do.

The film is based on a book by Andreas Malm, a Marxist professor in Sweden. Malm's book, like the movie, calls for the destruction of luxury commodities such as SUVs and superyachts, along with fossil fuel infrastructure like gas stations, petroleum refineries, and pipelines. Critics argue that the film and the book are advocating for violent acts against working-class individuals, rather than targeting the root causes of environmental issues.

Interestingly, one of the few critics of the book and movie is James Wilt, a Marxist writer. In an article for Canadian Dimension, Wilt criticizes Malm's book for ignoring the consequences of sabotage and not focusing on a broader movement for social change.

In Canada, the government and media have not been quick to condemn eco-terrorism. When more than 50 churches were torched or vandalized a year or two ago, there was little outcry from the media or government officials. Moreover, eco-terrorism has occurred in Canada, such as the vandalism of the Coastal Gaslink pipeline in northern British Columbia.

While some may argue that the movie is a form of artistic expression, others see it as a dangerous call to action that could lead to real-life acts of eco-terrorism.

It's also worth noting that the film's advocates, such as Malm and the movie's producers, are not likely to be directly impacted by the consequences of their ideas. As a resident of Sweden, Malm himself relies on fossil fuels to power his country through dark winters. Likewise, the film is set in America, far from Malm's home country.

The debate surrounding this controversial film brings to light the question of where we draw the line between artistic expression and the promotion of violence. It also highlights the need for a more nuanced conversation around environmental activism and the potential consequences of eco-terrorism.

In a world where peaceful protesters are often labeled as extremists, while acts of violence are sometimes ignored or even supported, it is crucial that we continue to have these discussions and challenge the narratives that promote violence in the name of environmental protection.

GUEST: Franco Terrazzano, joins for the latest the ongoing 155k federal workers strike.


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