Jean Charest addresses his fellow Conservatives — will he recover from this self-inflicted wound?

GUEST HOST: David Menzies

Jean Charest recently published an open letter in the Toronto Sun newspaper. It was addressed to:

“My fellow members of the Conservative Party of Canada; Please accept this as my final pitch to those of you who have yet to cast a ballot in the leadership race.”

Bottom line: there is one single solitary paragraph in Charest’s open letter that I wholeheartedly agree with:

“Canadians are looking for a leader who is ready to take on the responsibility of prime minister and all the responsibilities and the tough decisions that come with it.”

You are indeed correct, Jean. After seven years of misery under the Trudeau Liberals, Canadians are indeed looking for a brave Prime Minister to make tough decisions in order to repair a broken and divided country.

However that person is not you, Mr. Charest.

GUEST: Gary Duke from Grand Prairie, Alberta, used to be a Scotiabank client… until that bank decided to, well, fire him.

FINALLY: Your messages to me!


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