Is it just me, or is the Omicron variant of the virus actually worse if you have a vaccine?

Here's a study out of Denmark, published on a website hosted by the British Medical Journal and Yale.

Vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection with the Omicron or Delta variants following a two-dose or booster BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 vaccination series: A Danish cohort study

They’re studying: does the vaccine work against Omicron or Delta, if you’ve got two or three shots of of the jab? I’m usually going to skip over terms like BNT162b2, which is just a technical description of Pfizer, just to make the reading smoother.

So here’s their summary:

Our study provides evidence of protection against infection with the Omicron variant after completion of a primary vaccination series with the vaccines; in particular, we found a VE [vaccine effectiveness] against the Omicron variant of 55.2% and 36.7% for the BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccines, respectively, in the first month after primary vaccination. However, the VE is significantly lower than that against Delta infection and declines rapidly over just a few months. The VE is re-established upon revaccination with the BNT162b2 vaccine (54.6%).

So all that confidence interval stuff is just a way of saying how statistically certain they are of this, given the sample size.

But did you catch that part? The mRNA vaccine only works 36.7% of the time against Omicron. How can you sell something as a vaccine, if it usually doesn’t work?

And according to this report, you are literally more likely to get Omicron if you are jabbed.

That is not my opinion. That is what this chart in this Danish study published online by a collaboration of Yale and the British Medical Journal show — by the way, they are sponsored by Mark Zuckerberg. This isn’t some anti-vax site.

What’s the point? I mean, Omicron hasn’t killed anybody.

Doesn’t really hospitalize anybody — it’s the opposite, people are admitted to a hospital for whatever other reason, and they then happen to be diagnosed with it, too. So it’s like a cold, no big deal.

The study doesn’t actually show vaccinated people to be “just as vulnerable” as the unvaccinated.

It shows them to be more vulnerable.

GUEST: Sue-Ann Levy (follow @SueAnnLevy on Twitter)

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