Democracy befalls tyranny in Trudeau's Commie police state

Tonight, David Menzies takes a tour across Canada to highlight the gross incompetence of local and federal law enforcement — just two weeks into 2024.

Crime Minister Justin Trudeau and the 'Unfantastic Four' have made a mockery of Canada with no end in sight.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), or at least one officer turned rent-a-thug, became an internet sensation over night for his apparent bush-league tactics.

On Monday, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland's security detail unleashed a world of hurt against Menzies for the crime of simply doing his job. He dared to ask Freeland, a former journalist, tough questions on why Ottawa dragged its feet in condemning terrorism.

Iran's paramilitary arm killed 55 Canadians and 30 permanent residents in a targeted airstrike four years ago. Without remorse, they continue to act unabated and escape justice for their deliberate act of terror.

Meanwhile, Canada refuses to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist organization. 

Unsurprisingly, Fraulein Freeland had nothing to say. Not in today's Canada, where democracy befalls tyranny in place of a police state.

A similar incident occurred December 2021 when Menzies held Trudeau to account for his COVID hypocrisy. Again, the RCMP manhandled him for the crime of doing his job. That matter remains before the courts.

Next on the list is the infamous Toronto Police Service (TPS), who remain eerily silent whenever Islamo-fascists chant a genocidal diatribe against Canada's Jewish communities.

Adding insult to injury, they rewarded the 'patron saints' with some Timbits and a hot cup of Joe last Saturday.

Rather than enforce the law, law enforcement permitted Hamas agitators to unironically occupy the Avenue Road bridge that spans Highway 401 in Toronto.

TPS made no arrests, froze no bank accounts and charged none with committing a hate crime for the agitators' Nazi-like intimidation of Jews before Sabbath. 

Next up is the Quebec Provincial Police, who remain as petulant as ever at the expense of private citizens.

When a courier delivers a package and said package disappears  thanks to an odious thief the police in la belle province are very, very concerned about the privacy rights of those complicit in theft. Porch pirates: one. Law-abiding Quebecers: zero.

And last but certainly not least — the Peterborough Police Service. Yes, that police force which committed jihad against Canadian freedom fighters at a public park during the COVID lockdowns. PPC leader Maxime Bernier and former Ontario MPP Randy Hillier were previously charged for demonstrating, as was I in a journalistic capacity.

Earlier this month, 22-year-old college student Tejeshwar Kalia defended himself against an armed thug who allegedly struck him at a local Circle K convenience store. A scuffle ensued and Kalia emerged from the ordeal breathing. 

Self-defence, right? Wrong. The Peterborough Police later charged Kalia with assault. He ended up in jail for the crime of defending himself and is due in court on January 30. 

GUEST: Iranian ex-pat Nasser Pooli, an anti-Islamist activist who attended the Trudeau Liberals' memorial service for the victims of flight PS752.


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