Should Fox News be banned in Canada?

Tonight on the Ezra Levant Show, guest host David Menzies highlights EGALE, an organization advocating for LGBTQ+ equality, that is calling for the permanent removal of Fox News from Canadian airwaves.

EGALE claims that Fox News "promotes hatred and violence" against 2SLGBTQI communities, particularly trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals. This push comes in response to former Fox host Tucker Carlson's commentary on the behavior and treatment of trans people.

Surprisingly, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has decided to entertain EGALE's complaint, raising the question of whether this is an infringement on freedom of speech or a necessary step to protect vulnerable groups.

Tucker Carlson has been known to make controversial statements, but EGALE's complaint focuses on his claims that trans people receive preferential treatment and that the trans movement targets Christians. While some may argue that Carlson's statements are inflammatory, he is clearly exercising his right to free speech.

One of the major concerns with banning Fox News in Canada is the infringement on freedom of speech and the free market. Fox News is not part of basic cable packages, and Canadians must request and pay for access to the channel. This means that those who watch Fox News have actively chosen to do so, and banning the channel could be seen as limiting their choices and silencing dissenting voices.

CRTC claims its primary purpose is to promote Canadian content and to "protect the nation's cultural identity." If the commission believes that Fox News poses a "threat to Canadian values," they may see it as their responsibility to take action.

To complicate the situation, CRTC has a history of politically motivated decisions. In 2015, the commission denied Sun News Network, a right-leaning news outlet, the same license granted to many Canadian specialty channels. Many believe that this decision was made because of the network's political leanings, raising concerns about the potential political motivations behind a Fox News ban.

Be it out on the battlefield or within the broadcast biosphere, the first casualty of war, as always, is the truth…

GUEST: Franco Terrazzano, on the Liberal government paying for seniors to relive their sex stories in front of live audiences in Australia, Taiwan and Austria.


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