Fair reporting on Wexit means hosting debates — and we're taking the deplatformers to court
We're sympathetic to the underlying ideas behind #Wexit, so that's why we're here in Edmonton today to host our first Wexit Debate panel, and there are still tickets available for tomorrow's event in Calgary.
But first, some good news — you may remember that Sheila Gunn Reid was investigated by the Alberta Election Commissioner for writing her book Stop Notley. Well, now Commissioner Lorne Gisbon has lost his job! For more background information, please visit SaveSheila.com.
And while I'm in Edmonton, I'd like to update you on our StopDeplatforming.com campaign, where we have filed a lawsuit against the Princess Theatre for breaching contract by cancelled our Libranos book stop... and we have named the left-wing bullies who joined the online mob to secure that cancellation.
NEXT: Breitbart editor Joel Pollak joins me to talk about Trump's impeachment hearings.
FINALLY: Your messages to me!
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