Feature interview with Prof. Bruce Pardy, Queen's University Faculty of Law

The October Crisis was bad, but that was limited in time and scope. The Japanese Internment was bad too, and I do disagree with it, but it was linked to a war, and was just that particular group of people and for a particular period of time.

But now we are using public health as an excuse to lock people down. It covers everyone. Everyone in Quebec, everyone of Japanese descent.

I fear that things are going to get much worse. We talk about grievances and misconduct in the past, of aboriginal residential schools where children were ripped from their parents.

But I put it to you that we are in the worst civil liberties crisis in Canadian history.

Slavery is only thing on the North American continent that trumps what's happening now — can you deny it?

I've often complained — where are the law professors, where are the judges, where are the lawyers?

Because I believe we are in a legal crisis, a constitutional crisis, a legal crisis, and I look around, where are all the people who are supposed to be guarding it?

On tonight's show, we have a feature interview with Queen's University law professor Bruce Pardy.

FINALLY: Your messages to me!


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