Journalist Tommy Robinson stands trial after attending protest against antisemitism
Journalist Tommy Robinson faces trial today in the Westminster Magistrates' Court after he was arrested while attending a protest against antisemitism in London last November.
While discussing his arrest with Rebel News, Robinson explained, "I was having a breakfast in London. I went to report on an antisemitism rally — it was the biggest one the country's ever seen."
"I don't get hostility from that crowd, I get friendship from that crowd. I'm a supporter of Israel. I went there and I come under attack by police. Police come in and said I needed to leave London, leave the city," he said.
"I then wasn't given a chance to leave. As I left the cafe I was manhandled and in the end I was assaulted. I was pepper-sprayed from point blank range whilst already handcuffed," he added.
Rebel News Chief Reporter Sheila Gunn Reid is on the ground in London and providing live updates on the proceedings today.
Had a quick talk with @TRobinsonNewEra on my way into court to cover his latest trial, pepper-sprayed, arrested and banned from London for reporting at a pro-Israel protest.
— Sheila Gunn Reid (@SheilaGunnReid) April 22, 2024
The police are claiming that Robinson refused to leave the protest when issued a dispersal order by law enforcement after a protest organizer informed police he didn't want Robinson present.
Tommy's arrest, pepper spraying and banning took place on Nov 26. The police claim he was given a dispersal order after the organizer of the protest told them he didn't want Tommy there.
— Sheila Gunn Reid (@SheilaGunnReid) April 22, 2024
They say Tommy didn't want to leave and became resistant.
Oh but there's video. See it at…
As Sheila notes, Robinson was attending the protest as a journalist.
Tommy was attending the protest as a journalist and as a supporter of the Jewish people. The officer is shown a document about how to deal with journalists at protests.
— Sheila Gunn Reid (@SheilaGunnReid) April 22, 2024
Officer said he would need to see a press card.
But Tommy's lawyer shows him police advice which says…
Sheila pointed out the selective enforcement of the law with regards to pro-Hamas demonstrators being free to shout antisemitic slogans while Robinson was arrested.
Hamas marches full of Hitler Youth 2.0 fill the streets of London each week. But @TRobinsonNewEra was the one receiving a dispersal order and banned from London for making a Gideon Falter feel uncomfortable.
— Sheila Gunn Reid (@SheilaGunnReid) April 22, 2024
One officer involved in Robinson's arrest was reportedly concerned about the presence of a "right-wing group" at the demonstration.
Police offer involved in the arrest says he was concerned about a "right wing group" and the crowd laughs.
— Sheila Gunn Reid (@SheilaGunnReid) April 22, 2024
Officer says he thought back to Remembrance Day, with drunkenness, fireworks and anti social behaviour.
Says people were "afraid to come to London" and "worried about…
Despite peacefully attending the demonstration, police claimed his mere presence could cause "harassment and distress."
There were about 40 police involved in the arrest of Tommy Robinson. He's peaceful but terse in the video, despite the outrageous behavior of the London cops who took him away because he might cause someone "harassment and distress."
— Sheila Gunn Reid (@SheilaGunnReid) April 22, 2024
Says he's a member of the press,over and…
Sheila confirms that Robinson was handcuffed before being pepper-sprayed in the face.
Important to note that TOMMY ROBINSON WAS ALREADY HANDCUFFED when they pepper sprayed him.
— Sheila Gunn Reid (@SheilaGunnReid) April 22, 2024
A police statement read today confirms this.
The most important thing I think I've heard today in court is that the officer who drafted the dispersal order against Tommy Robinson is not convinced the order was even valid when it was executed.
— Sheila Gunn Reid (@SheilaGunnReid) April 22, 2024
I can't believe this hearing went beyond that testimony.
But then we heard…