MEDDICK ALERT: MP's trans-daughter hospitalised after initiating violent conflict

MP Andy Meddick released a statement voicing how ‘desperately worried’ he was about comments directed at his family and colleagues regarding public backlash over Daniel Andrews’ pandemic legislation.

And now, my worst fears have turned into reality. Last night, my beautiful daughter Kielan was attacked on the street. I was with her in hospital until the early hours,” said a statement released by Mr. Meddick. “I have reason to believe that this could be linked to my role as an MP and the positions I have taken on the pandemic response.”

Mr. Meddick went on to say that Victoria Police were investigating the incident that took place on Thursday night.

Police have since released their report, revealing that ‘a 25-year-old woman was spray painting over a poster on Smith Street when she was approached by an unknown man about 11pm’.

The report went on to say that the pair had an argument in which the woman threw the spray can at the man before trying to leave the scene.

Andy Meddick has not issued a clarifying statement regarding the incident.he man followed the woman and threw the spray can which struck her in the back of the head.”

Staff from a nearby venue went to the woman’s assistance before she was taken to hospital for minor injuries.

There is as yet no indication that the incident had anything to do with Mr. Meddick’s role as an MP.

Many in the sporting, entertainment and political worlds initially expressed their disgust that politician's families were being targeted for their work including Andrews.

Kielan R J B Meddick (Mr. Meddick’s trans-activist daughter) has made regrettable political posts of her own on Twitter which include violent imagery, obscene language, and hateful content directed at political figures. After fresh details of the altercation emerged online, shining a new light on the incident, Kielan Meddick has decided to delete her twitter account, but not before screenshots were captured.

Politically motivated or not, Rebel News continues to disavow all acts and threats of violence.

Alexandra Marshall

Australian Contributor

Alexandra Marshall is an Australian political opinion commentator. She is a contributor to Sky News, the Spectator Australia, Good Sauce, Penthouse Australia, and Caldron Pool with a special interest in liberty and Asian politics. Prior to writing, she spent a decade as an AI architect in the retail software industry designing payroll and rostering systems.


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