“Outside is safer!” Toronto residents enjoy a socially distant day in Trinity Bellwoods Park

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With the sun blazing and the humidex soaring, thousands of cooped-up Torontonians took to Trinity Bellwoods Park on Saturday to have a massive picnic. Most were fairly young and appeared quite healthy – in other words, not the primary target for the Wuhan virus. Nevertheless, Ontario’s ruling (albeit hypocritical) elite blew a gasket.

Said Mayor John Tory: “I saw a crowd scene that was completely out of control relative to what we have been saying people should do.”

He also complained that he saw people “sitting in big groups really close together.”

Oh, really, Mr. Mayor, just like you do when it’s photo-op time? And isn’t odd that His Worship wears a facemask that covers his chin, not his mouth and nose?

Premier Doug Ford, still presumably in “800-lb. gorilla mode” also went ape-shite. Premier Primate said he was “disappointed to say the least” with the Trinity Bellwoods picnickers.

Well, Doug, some of us commoners suffering from cabin fever are disappointed to say the least, too – like when you told Ontarians not to go to their cottages over Easter weekend and then YOU did just that. And we were disappointed, to say the least, when you told people not to converge in big groups and then you had a big shindig yourself on Mother’s Day.

No fines for those two, though. They’re special. On law for me, one law for thee.

But the following day, Toronto Police and Toronto bylaw officers descended en masse to hand out those infamous $880 tickets for any who dared to congregate at Trinity Bellwoods on Sunday. Nice.

Oh, and what about all the filthy encampments popping up all over Mayor John Tory’s whiz-bang sanctuary city – such as the tent city on the grounds of Moss Park or the one at Yonge & Charles Streets, a mere stone’s throw away from Hogtown’s uber-fashionable Yorkville? Oh, nothing to see here, folks – move along.

And so it is that in this day and age of the Wuhan virus, Toronto has truly cemented itself as being Canada’s preeminent city of double standards. Gee, maybe that can be the city’s new tourism slogan?

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  • By Sheila Gunn Reid


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