Prominent cattle trader weighs in on the Dutch farmer rebellion
For a brief period, Rebel News was back in the Netherlands to scope out the current tensions and investigate what will happen next regarding the Dutch farmer rebellion.
As you are aware, protests have sparked across the Netherlands. In fact, these protests have been ongoing since 2019, when the Dutch government declared a nitrogen emissions cap. The cap means the farmers have to reduce fertilizer usage, are forced to cut livestock by up to 50% and face the worry of having to give up their land to the state.
Fast-forward to today in 2022 and the situation has escalated. The protests have grown substantially, with the government not backing down on their push towards the agenda 2030 goal, and the farmers are continuing to rally to show their discontent for the Dutch government and the World Economic Forum-pushed blueprints.
In this report, we speak with a well-known cattle trader in the Netherlands who is very actively involved with the protests and gives his take on what these green policies from the Dutch government could mean for the future of his business.