SPECIAL: Your year-end letters to Sheila Gunn Reid
Earlier this month, we asked you to send us your letters so that we could respond to them on air. It's an end of year tradition here at Rebel News.
So, this week's episode of The Gunn Show is just that — a whole show of your letters to me. It might be my favourite show of the year, not because it's the last show of the year but because I love hearing your feedback.
Last week, for example, I got a viewer email that I didn't address on air. But I responded.
That viewer asked about why I wasn't looking at a previous guest, Tom Harris from the International Climate Science Coalition, during parts of our discussion. And I explained: there's a reason for that. You may notice sometimes I look around, and not directly at the camera. It's because I work in my home studio and have to do some of my own production while I listen to the guest through an earpiece.
I wouldn't have been able to answer that question if I didn't take viewer feedback, which is why I give out my email address at the end of my show. Without our viewers there's no show, so that's why I love hearing what you think.
So today's episode is dedicated to you. Our team sent me a list of questions, which my kids then chopped up and put in a stocking without me reading them. No pre-prepared answers — let's go through them together!
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