Court tosses Trudeau's 'no more pipelines' law

Bill C-69 was ruled unconstitutional in a 5-2 decision after the Province of Alberta brought a court challenge to the law that required regulators to consider the intersection of sex and gender before approving energy projects.

The law was deemed an illegal overreach into areas of provincial responsibility. "The constitutional frailties of the scheme's decision-making functions are exacerbated by its focus on regulating an overbroad range of impacts," said Chief Justice Wagner in the ruling.

However, the Trudeau Liberals are still going to pursue the job-killing revamp of Canada's regulatory scheme, by promising to revisit C-69 to make it compliant with the Constitution.

What does this mean to an energy sector in recovery after four years of attacks from within Alberta from the previous New Democrat government? And did sexual minorities who work in oil and gas even want this new woke regulatory framework in the first place?

Robbie Picard from Oilsands Strong and publisher of Oil and Gas World Magazine, joins the show tonight.


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