Save the Ostriches!

Hundreds of healthy, immune ostriches are set to be slaughtered by government mandate while groundbreaking research and a family farm’s livelihood hang in the balance.

Just over one week! That's all the time ostrich farmers in Edgewood, British Columbia, have to save their flock of 400 ostriches. February 1 isn’t just the deadline for the slaughter of these exotic birds, which their farmers insist are healthy, it’s also the date they’re required to dispose of the bodies.

Why? Because the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has issued a culling order after an anonymous tip led them to the secluded farm and claimed that the PCR test results they ran on two diseased birds came back positive for H5N1 avian flu weeks ago.

Yet as you’ll learn in an upcoming report, the farmers have good reason to believe that their 400 remaining long-necked friends have already achieved natural immunity for the avian flu and it’s possible that the younger ones who did get sick were not sick with H5N1 at all.

Even worse, the ostriches at Universal Ostrich Farms are not even used for human consumption. Instead, they’ve been crucial to a groundbreaking collaboration with Japan’s Kyoto Prefectural University.

Through this partnership, scientists and the university’s president, Dr. Yasuhiro Tsukamoto, have been successfully extracting antibodies from the birds robust eggs in an effort to further interventions to the avian flu that's supposedly the reason for ordering the killing of the birds and millions upon millions of others like them.

But such progress doesn’t align with the $590 million grant Moderna just received to develop mRNA vaccines for bird flu, does it?

Click "EDIT AND SEND EMAIL" below to email the following officials to demand the CIFA and Ministry of Agriculture and Agri-Food reverse this scheduled massacre!

  • Paul MacKinnon, President of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
  • CFAO Appeals & Complaints
  • Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
  • John Barlow, Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Agri-Food and Food Security
  • Cortnie Fotheringham, CFIA/AFIA Supervisor
  • Hui Hang, CFIA/AFIA Director of Animal Health
  • Carlie Watson, CFIA/AFIA Head of Western Operations
  • The Animal Health Centre at CFIA/AFIA

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Showing 17 Comments

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  • Cheryl Flook
    commented 2025-02-07 10:22:37 -0500
    Please save these birds. They are innocent victims. There is no reason to slaughter them. They are proved healthy.
  • Alice Rodd
    commented 2025-02-07 09:47:20 -0500
    This was rediculous
  • Frank Narejko
    commented 2025-02-07 08:41:12 -0500
    The government has a mandate on killing what ever they can.
    People-animals-unborn children.
    They kill because they want to.
  • Joanna Gil
    commented 2025-02-06 16:17:35 -0500
    This whole thing is a horseshit of the highest caliber.
    - Why is government using taxpayers’ money to subsidise Moderna, a company whose previous “vaccine” product proved to be utterly useless?
    - Why is there an “anonymous” snitch entering a private property to run tests, any tests on livestock they do not own, then claiming their PCR tests proved the birds were/are positive for avian flu? Show me your positive PCR test these particular birds are sick! No proof – no case, period. And a charge for de facto Break and Enter for a good measure.
    - Why is government so quick to destroy 400 animals on the word/hearsay (without actual proof) of a snitch? Doesn’t that stink of the behaviour of the snitches during Covid who tattled on people going out to get some exercise such as playing basketball within their own family members?
    I have so many questions about this whole thing but, knowing that our government basically consists of WEF disciples, I believe I already know the answers.
    Canada needs to get out of the following: WHO, UN, Paris Accord, and drop any and all affiliations with WEF.
  • Eugene Moreside
    followed this page 2025-02-03 17:33:25 -0500
  • Jackie Lord
    followed this page 2025-01-29 17:46:39 -0500
  • Rene Meiller
    commented 2025-01-28 09:50:33 -0500
    Our pets will be next and then they will come for us. Canada needs to get out of the WHO for our own good. It can be done, Trump did it. Government overreach is just that no matter what they try and serve it up as its nothing but bad news for Canadians
  • Frank Narejko
    commented 2025-01-28 07:55:19 -0500
    Trudeau and Singh with the rest of their Vultures would always use the phrase the pays " FOLLOW THE SCIENCE".
    Was it a Ruse? Sure it was.
    The politicians live to do things because they want to.
  • Mauro Clinaz
    commented 2025-01-27 22:16:00 -0500
    It’s time end the reign of terror from the corrupt liberal / NDP government..
  • Michael Sharp
    commented 2025-01-27 22:01:33 -0500
    Perhaps it’s time for people to declare that the members of our Liberal government are infected with the woke mind virus and cull them instead.
  • Pippi Smythe
    followed this page 2025-01-27 21:34:32 -0500
  • Janet Babic
    commented 2025-01-27 21:08:55 -0500
    Cruel and completely unwarranated. Medical tyranny is alive and well in Canada
  • Gwynneth Gourley
    commented 2025-01-27 20:49:47 -0500
    STOP THE CULL !!! It amazes me that a “FEW” people think they are GOD and they know what is best for everyone. I wonder if they would do the same if the decision actually affected them.
  • Martin Schroeder
    commented 2025-01-27 20:03:19 -0500
    save ostriches;euthanize liberal wef creeps !
  • Sylvia Davidson
    commented 2025-01-27 19:09:30 -0500
    There is no real reason to cull these ostriches if they’re not sick. If you suspect sickness why not just isolate them for a while and see what happens? I resent your over-reach into the lives and businesses of farmers, who are the backbone of society. If we don’t have food, we die!
  • john MacInnis
    commented 2025-01-27 18:52:17 -0500
    I’d like to cull politicians & their ass kissing employees who come up with crap like this. WEF bumboys.
  • Carla Cumming
    commented 2025-01-27 18:32:31 -0500
    Why is our federal “government” giving $590 in taxpayer dollars to the private company known as Moderna, who may (or may not) develop a “vaccine” (efficacy unknown), which it will then sell back to the government for even more taxpayer dollars? Isn’t that the ultimate in double-dipping? And given that the only characteristic of “vaccine” I personally observed during the COVID fiasco was that it was admninistered via needle—-it certainly did not appear to prevent disease, as with true vaccines like smallpox and tetanus—-why is the government choosing Moderna, whose COVID vaccine did not prevent disease? Just wondering at the logic. And I am not a vaccine denier; I had 3 or 4 COVID shots myself.
  • Carla Cumming
    commented 2025-01-27 18:28:31 -0500
    Why is the gov’t so intent on this cull? Is it possible that the Kyoto research would show results differing from those at Moderna, to whom our federal gov’t has just given $590 million in taxpayer dollars. This “cull” appears to be quite possibly politically motivated, many would think. As well, it goes against the gov’t’s position that “herd immunity” does not exist; witness the COVID fiasco. More than a few possible political motives to this cull.

    Question: Is it true that if this ostrich farmer tests her own birds, she will be arrested? And charged with what crime, may I ask?

    Question: I accept that there were 2 diseased birds in the flock some time ago. Is it not possible for the gov’t to re-test the remaining birds before they are all very likely needlessly slaughtered? If not, why not?
  • Amy Unholzer
    commented 2025-01-27 18:02:56 -0500
    Stop the insanity’s of NWO
    and elites who try and control all things. Playing God while taking their souls innocent animals.
    Moses brought all the animals after the flood to multiply!
    Not destroy animals.
  • Diane Tregear
    commented 2025-01-27 06:03:34 -0500
    Corrupt government, and more fraudulent PCR tests. This is utter madness. No destroying of animals or humans that are not sick. Period. They cannot just come in and declare destruction of a citizen’s asset. Sue the government for proof that their testing is valid (PCR is not clinically applicable, and any testing cannot be valid because they have not isolated avian flu anywhere in the world), and proof of illness.