Trudeau uses child exploitation as cover for latest censorship measures

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra broke down the Trudeau Liberals' latest censorship attempt Bill C-63. The Liberals introduced the 'online harms' bill earlier this week.

While Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party claim the proposed legislation is simply a tool to protect children from the harms of the internet, critics of the bill say it's the most draconian piece of censorship legislation seen in years.

Ezra explained that when Trudeau invited family members of child abuse victims to speak, he was using them to hide his principal goal with the new bill — increased censorship.

"He was actually using them. He was re-abusing them by making them human shields, cannon fodder to distract from his real goal."

According to the new legislation, victims of "hate speech" could be compensated up to $20,000, and a new stand-alone hate crime offence would be added to the criminal code allowing for penalties of up to life imprisonment.

Critics have taken exception to the vague definitions provided in the bill — including "fomenting hatred" and "fomenting detestation" — as the government could theoretically apply this to a very broad range of content.

Pierre Poilievre has spoken out against the legislation, prompting Justin Trudeau to claim the Conservatives are "spreading lies."

Speaking about the bill, Ezra said, "This is really about censorship, it's obvious. This bill creates not one, not two, but three new offices and agencies dedicated to censoring the internet, each one of which has their own office, their own staff, their own budget their own CEO."

"Plus in addition to those three new agencies, it beefs up the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal."

Ezra went on to say, "To show you how important the censorship is, the Justice Minister has a new title. Justice Minister, Attorney General, and Minister of State for Online Harms."

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