Vaccine passport protest comes to Oakville, Ont. — a town obsessed with compliance
Dozens of concerned people of all walks of life descended upon Oakville Town Hall recently, decrying this town’s obsessive quest for its citizens to be double-jabbed, or be shut out of restaurants and hockey rinks and so many other places. Indeed, we even happened upon a Town of Oakville employee who was essentially terminated for refusing to get the COVID-19 jabs. So much for “my body, my choice.”
In fact, so obsessed with vaccine compliance are the good folk running Oakville’s Town Hall, that they turned away a citizen who dropped by to pay her taxes because she wasn’t doubled-jabbed, according to a Toronto Sun story. Her unvax’d status apparently made this woman the modern-day version of Typhoid Mary.
The Sun reported that the woman’s local councillor, David Gittings, sent her an email, stating: “The town made the decision that it is better to keep facilities open for all those who are vaccinated than to close our facilities to all, or to risk infection of visitors and staff. Our objective is to have the fastest reopening possible, and to avoid what the province of Alberta is currently experiencing.”
We assume Gittings then retreated to his basement to resume quaking in fear whilst in the fetal position.
Even so, could this be the jump-the-shark moment when it comes to COVID craziness? After all, here we have the taxman too terrified to receive compensation!
(We tried to get a response from Mayor Rob Burton or anyone else at the town hall, but the scaredy-cats in charge called security and police, locked the doors, and hunkered down as if the building was under siege. Sad.)
Of note: there is a sign in front of Oakville Town Hall that proudly proclaims: “Hate has no home here.” The sign is accompanied by various symbols, such as that of the lgbtqqip2saa+etc. community, various religious icons, the Black Lives Matter logo, and so on.
Yet, given that the town reacts with utter revulsion when it comes to those who are unvaccinated, we dispute the claim on that signage, for it seems that there is indeed some hatred for some people in this lovely little Ontario town…

David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.