WATCH: Police officer vents his frustration at inconsistent Covid rules
Last weekend at the Freedom Rally Protest in Melbourne, after police violently arrested my security guard, I was walking towards the police station to bail him out when I had an interesting encounter I thought I'd share with you today.
An officer called out to me and started a conversation about police visiting my home.
It quickly became apparent the officer follows my work.
He then asked me to look into the inconsistency of lockdown restrictions preventing him from playing golf.
At first, he seemed to agree in blaming Dan Andrews, but moments later took it back.
I wish I had a bit more time to find out who he did blame for the inconsistencies in the restrictions.
Because I absolutely blame Dan Andrews.
Suppose you've been watching our trial in the Supreme Court, especially on Friday morning when we cross-examined "the experts" the government presented to the court in defence of their overreaching restrictions. One thing became clear by the end of the day: Science isn't guiding many of the decisions.
Watch the closing statements live Monday morning from 10 am at
ICYMI: This is what REALLY happened at the Rally For Freedom in Melbourne
ICYMI: Police VIOLENTLY ARREST Rebel security at Freedom Day protest
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