None of the government's promises about carbon taxes helping us came true

On last night's episode of The Gunn Show, Sheila Gunn Reid was joined by Kris Sims of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) to discuss how much money Albertans are saving on gas and what other provinces can do to make life more affordable.

Cuts to gas taxes in Alberta are putting more money back into Canadians' pockets. According to the CTF, "Drivers in Alberta filling up a sedan every week will be saving $430 this year. In Ontario, a family with two cars filling up weekly will save $440 a year. In Newfoundland and Labrador, the same two-car family filling up once a week saved $520 at the gas pumps last year." The CTF is also working on pressuring Alberta's neighbour, Saskatchewan, to follow suit.

Despite promises from the government that the more we pay in carbon taxes, the less we have to worry about forest fires, that doesn't seem to be reality, commented Sheila. She and Kris also discussed the impact of punishing carbon taxes on British Columbians, where one has been in effect since 2008. "British Columbia's cost of living is unaffordable for most average, normal people," said Kris. 

"They said that it was going to be revenue neutral, that it was going to stop at $30 a tonne, they said that it was going to create a plethora of affordable, alternative energy sources that people could just tap right into, and they said it was going to make emissions go down. Today none of that is true. Not one thing is true," said Kris. 

Our economy, our energy stability, and our lives as we know it are being threatened by the green reset — if you agree that this shift to green energy is unwanted, unneeded, and unacceptable, please sign this petition.

This is only an excerpt of last night's episode of The Gunn Show with Sheila Gunn Reid. To watch the full episode, become a subscriber to RebelNews+. 

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