Another busy night for Montreal police giving out heavy-handed curfew fines
Last night was another busy night in Montreal, where the police continued to give out heavy-handed $1,550 curfew fines.
People received curfew fines for the crimes of going home from school and taking a midnight walk. Discretion was given to some and not to others.
Police also gave tickets to some people with documented exceptions to the curfew.
This person had a curfew exception paper but the officer decided not to accept it and gave the individual a $1550 curfew fine.
— Yaakov Pollak (@Yanky_Pollak) April 5, 2021
For @RebelNewsOnline in Montreal, Quebec.
Check out for more.
This person got a curfew fine for having an expired paper.
This guy got a curfew ticket for having expired papers.
— Yaakov Pollak (@Yanky_Pollak) April 5, 2021
For @RebelNewsOnline in Montreal, Quebec.
If you received a COVID related fine go to for a free lawyer.
This man was let go because he was deemed “essential.”
This guy was let go because he had a curfew paper (that the cops deemed valid.)
— Yaakov Pollak (@Yanky_Pollak) April 5, 2021
For @RebelNewsOnline in Montreal, Quebec.
If you received a COVID related fine go to for a free lawyer.
The people in this car had exemptions to be out after curfew, but the cops found a reason to give a seatbelt ticket.
This car with curfew-exempt people was let go but not before the backseat passenger got a seatbelt ticket.
— Yaakov Pollak (@Yanky_Pollak) April 5, 2021
For @RebelNewsOnline in Montreal, Quebec.
Check out for more
This young couple got $3,100 worth of tickets for taking a midnight walk.
A young couple is getting $1550 x2 fine for the crime of taking a midnight walk.
— Yaakov Pollak (@Yanky_Pollak) April 5, 2021
For @RebelNewsOnline in Montreal, Quebec.
if you received a COVID related fine go to for a free lawyer.
A lot of curfew tickets being given out tonight by the @SPVM
— Yaakov Pollak (@Yanky_Pollak) April 5, 2021
For @RebelNewsOnline in Montreal, Quebec.
Check out for more.
For more lockdown coverage, go to And if you’ve received a COVID related fines, go to If we think you have a case, we’ll set you up with a top lawyer to fight your fine at no cost to you.
And don’t forget to use promo code Yanky10 for 10 per cent off at the Rebel News Store.
Rebel News "Superfan" Montreal police officer Bart says he is interested in buying merch.
— Yaakov Pollak (@Yanky_Pollak) April 5, 2021
Use promo code Yanky10 for %10 off.
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