Are uOttawa students ready to accept Klaus Schwab’s bug eating plans?

The news and governments worldwide are pushing the World Economic Forum’s agenda of forcing the population to put beef aside and instead solely eat insects. In fact, Justin Trudeau recently invested more than $8 million in the world’s largest insect-producing plant called Aspire, located in Ontario. 

All in the name of climate change. 

According to GreenPeace, our industrial food system is heating up our planet. It depends on intensive fossil fuel use and growing practices that threaten natural ecosystems and causes up to 37% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.” 

Therefore, in order to figure out if the younger generation will comply with eating bugs, Rebel News visited a woke liberal hotspot in Ontario, the University of Ottawa. 

The students were all asked three specific questions, in the following order: 

  • Do you believe climate change is an important issue nowadays that will also affect future generations?
  • Do you agree with the WEF and GreenPeace that eating bugs instead of beef would be a suitable solution? 
  • Would you be willing to trade all of your beef for bugs, and be forced to sorely eat insects?

After which they were presented with a bowl of edible grasshoppers and suggested to taste one. 

Most students, while responding positively to the first three questions, once asked if they were willing to either eat the insect or be forced to modify their whole diet to suit Schwab’s plan, change their tune and decided that this wasn’t for them. 

Or at least, they unanimously agreed that humans should not be forced to eat insects. 

One young female student told Rebel News that the issue isn’t primarily related to the consumption or production of meat, but rather the oil and gas industry. She suggested that western provinces such as Alberta should refrain from producing oil, and instead should give their businesses to countries such as Iran, Iraq or Saudi Arabia. 

To view what all these students had to say, watch the full video above!

If you, like many of these students, agree that people shouldn't be forced or compelled into eating insects, unlike what Klaus Schwab’s socialist organization suggests, sign our petition at


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