WEF Reports: Avi Yemini confronts influencer Nas Daily in Davos

Rebel News reporter Avi Yemini bumped into Israeli-Palestinian social media influencer, Nuseir Yassin. Doing so, Yemini curiously asked Yassin a question on why he chose to come to Davos and report on the World Economic Forum.

“It's cool that you're standing here and you're being employed, like you're getting paid by the World Economic Forum to promote their product,” Yemini said.  

Wanting control of the narrative, Yassin grabbed Yemini’s microphone to speak about the fact that he is there for free. Taking a journalists microphone is a sign of disrespect, and regardless of the number of followers Yassin has, it doesn't give him a free pass for acting overly pompous.

“I'm selling myself for free because I have opinions and I agree with those opinions,” Yassin said, suggesting he's in alignment with the messages promoted by the World Economic Forum.

To learn more about the WEF's agenda, Rebel News is producing an in-depth examination of The Great Reset, a book co-authored by the organization's chairman, Klaus Schwab. You can see the first episode at ExposeTheReset.com.

Yemini then asked Yassin about climate change and his agenda, but the @nasdaily influencer said, “We've done more for climate change than you have.”

With the conversation ending very abruptly, Yemini didn't get any clear answers from the Youtuber.

Rebel News has sent a team of six to report on the WEF's annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. To see all of our coverage, and to help support our 100% viewer-funded journalism, go to WEFreports.com.



Tabitha Peters



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