Baby Pods and Gene Editing - Are you ready for the future?

In this reality - or your soon-to-be reality - Cyber Satanism is as fashionable and trendy as a vegan diet, and as such, you can now experience the pipe dream of parenthood through your mobile device and Haptic VR suits both inside and outside the metaverse.

Who's ready for the future? I genuinely never thought I would have to talk about a subject so at odds with waking reality. A subject so nightmarish, it could have been plucked straight from the hit 1999 movie, The Matrix. If you ask me, a baby growth pod is mere steps away from keeping humans encapsulated in those sci-fi artificial wombs made to siphon off a human's energy exactly like the machines did from The Matrix.

Though this representation of what is practically a large-scale baby farm, which is alleged to be capable of incubating up to 30,000 lab-grown babies per year, is but a conceptual psychotic dream brought forth by a biotechnologist, and "science communicator" Hashem Al-Ghaili. Hashem graduated from Jacob's University Breman, where he received his master's in Molecular biology. Now, in Hashem's dystopian unworldly concept - A futuristic company by the name of EctoLife will be the answer to the world's severe "population decline."

Which I think is ironic, considering over the last decade the so-called "science experts" and new age know-it-alls have been trying to convince you that God's green earth is in peril, and because of our so-called "overpopulation issue" we're losing our natural resources. But does the data back those claims? As you can see here, according to data taken from the World Bank, Japan's fertility rate has been steadily declining for many years now. With healthy fertility rates being mostly consistent in Japan from 1960 to 1975, fertility rates are now at an all-time low. But that isn't to say that the conceptual idea of baby farms is the correct way to approach infertility issues.

For instance, Japan, Bulgaria, and South Korea all have high levels of air pollution, where most of their citizens live high-stress work lives and as the saying goes, "you are what you eat" - these 3 countries are also known to have a high consumption level of unhealthy foods that include refined grains, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats. Which again, all contribute to fertility issues. These three countries also have relatively high rates of smoking which is known to reduce fertility in both men and women, not to mention the treasure trove of other bodily harm smoking is known to cause.

Instead of using logic and addressing the root cause of these issues, they've simply put a band-aid on the problem and would rather put on a VR suit to escape their reality, and commit to only "feeling" the simulation of having a baby grow inside of a womb than embrace the fact that parenthood is a very natural, and now somewhat rebellious thing to do in our corrupt modern age? What's more? In the future, you can have all of that from the comfort of your own home.

They've debased the purity of what pregnancy can be by effectively doing their best to substitute or get rid of women so anyone can technically "experience" the "miracle of motherhood" by watching a live stream from your phone that gives you access to a time-lapse of the fetuses' development. The baby growth pod will also allegedly pair with an app for your phone so you can check on your pod baby from the 360° cameras included inside the artificial womb chamber. The conceptual video even goes as far as to infer that I can tell you one thing, this isn't a reality that I'd want to live in. 
Tackling the issue of infertility rates, and genetic issues, in general, can be addressed from multiple angles - none of which involve skipping over one of the most important, and impactful experiences humans can have. So, whether it's baby growth pods, living the pipe dream of parenthood, or genetically modifying your future pod-child - the more ways we allow artificial intelligence to automate our lives, and the potential lives of our offspring - well you know what they say. 
To play with fire is to risk being burned. If you agree the Globalist's unethical shift towards obtaining their so-called "green energy reset," by banning fossil fuels and replacing humans with AI is unneeded, unwanted, and unacceptable - go to and sign our petition there. 


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