BC United Party commits to keeping parents informed about ‘gender identity secrets’ in schools

Following the heavily applauded and loudly condemned pro-family policies recently announced by Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, which will be implemented across the province to protect children identifying as transgender and strengthen their communication with their parents, other political leaders with a conservative voter base are finding themselves being questioned about their stance on these important issues.

At a town hall in Surrey hosted by the BC United party last Tuesday, Rebel News captured party leader Kevin Falcon’s turn to answer a question posed to him by child protection activist Chris Elston, more commonly known as Billboard Chris.

To preface his question, Chris read one of the BC Teacher’s Federation policies that instructs educators to keep parents in the dark about something as significant as how their child is identifying within school walls.

“It is the policy of the BC Teachers Federation right now to hide from parents when their child is going through this identity crisis,” Chris stated before reading a portion of the BCTF policy as the lead of his question.

Unlike in Alberta, where all parents will be informed about who or what their child is identifying as in school, the BCTF’s privacy and confidentiality policy includes the stipulation that “school personnel should not disclose a student's trans status to others, such as students, parents, or other school personnel, unless there is a specific 'need to know' (for example, a health emergency)” or unless the student gives permission to do so.

Click on the full report to hear Falcon's eventual response regarding what his party will do to inform parents better if they form the government in this year's general election.

You'll also hear from BC United Surrey South MLA Elenore Sturko, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, about where she stands regarding parents concerned about controversial 'gender-inclusive' learning resources being made available for school kids through the province's Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Program (SOGI 123).

To stay informed on the latest news involving the ongoing parental rights fight to preserve children's innocence in state-funded schools, go to StopClassroomGrooming.com.

Drea Humphrey

B.C. Bureau Chief

Based in British Columbia, Drea Humphrey reports on Western Canada for Rebel News. Drea’s reporting is not afraid to challenge political correctness, or ask the tough questions that mainstream media tends to avoid.


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