The UK considers vaccine passports that would make everyone a prisoner
I am a supporter of a very smart website in the United Kingdom called Lockdown Sceptics.
It’s updated all the time, it’s really well laid-out, it’s like a blog, really, with short commentaries and analyses, but the most interesting part of it, to me at least, is that it is a clearinghouse for skepticism about the lockdowns. They really do scan the world, not just the UK, for interesting and authoritative news. And that’s another thing I like about it — I find it trustworthy. It has strong opinions; but those opinions seem to me to be based on strong facts. It really is a good site, and it’s another great project involving Toby Young, who also help found the Free Speech Union over there, which helps people caught by cancel culture.
They do petitions, hire lawyers — and they actually manage to un-cancel people in the UK. I wish we had something like it here in Canada.
Anyways, it was from Lockdown Skeptics that I saw this article in the Telegraph, by Matthew Lynn, who is a business reporter, really.
So it’s not coming from the point of view of a civil liberties activist like Toby Young or a single issue lockdown skeptic.
But this column is more than just that. He was writing in reaction to this news:
Covid vaccine passports could be introduced to reopen economy
Boris Johnson has not ruled out possibility of vaccination certificates for work or visiting culture venues
So obviously it’s going to happen. I mean, of course it will. This is the so-called Conservative Party. You can only imagine that the Socialist Party wants this even more.
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