A U.S. Supreme Court judge dies — and the left threatens riots if Trump replaces her.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died at age 87, was a hero to the left.
And now she has left us. And it’s absolute and total political war in America.
Canadians were getting into it too, which was really weird. A super-gross professor from the University of Waterloo, a professor, a CBC pundit, a Trudeau policy advisor — but of course, those things go together — actually tweeted, "Burn down the US Congress."
And I was completely unsurprised to see that someone sent poisonous ricin to the White House — and that investigators believe it came from Canada. Of course it did. Our media, led by the CBC, is obsessed with hating Trump. I bet they helped radicalize whoever sent the poison.
So what’s going to happen?
Well, I’m afraid Barack Obama and Joe Biden are going to get their way. TONIGHT I'll explain why.
That said, I’m excited. I see the quality of the candidates being bandied about. Trump says he’ll appoint a woman — I don’t like identity politics, but I don’t think he’s doing it for that reason. I think he’s doing it because otherwise, there will be another hundred fake rape claims.
But they can do other things — mainly call a woman a racist. Or, something even worse, apparently: a Christian.
That’s what they're doing Amy Coney Barrett, who was Appointed by Trump three years ago to serve on the Seventh Circuit appeals court, in the midwest. Boy, do the Democrats hate her— But she already had her hearings, as you can see. And she won the vote. She’s the same judge now as she was three years ago.
Same with Barbara Lagoa, a Cuban-American judge Trump elevated to the appeals circuit in the southeast.
I don’t want a hearing — I just want the judges.
But you know what? Let the Democrats show Americans who they really are — and let that be the last thought on the minds of Americans as they go to vote.
NEXT: Joel Pollak of Breitbart.com joins me to talk more about Trump's possible nominees for the Supreme Court.
FINALLY: Your messages to me.