George Soros: The Man Behind the Curtain | Author Matt Palumbo joins Ezra Levant

Author Matt Palumbo joins Ezra Levant to discuss his new book and the power George Soros wields over politicians of all stripes.

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A popular subject for so-called conspiracy theories, billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros is often cited as a nefarious actor behind the scenes, using his wealth to manipulate governments — at the national, state/provincial and local level — to the whims of his desire.

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show author Matt Palumbo, who has a new book The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros, joined Ezra to discuss the political actions and policies being pushed by Soros through his organizations like the Open Society Foundations.

Discussing how Soros has used his considerable financial might to levy policy change in small, local elections, Matt told Ezra:

I think his success rate, I found, is in excess of 90 per cent in the local races because, you know, you can't really do this much in national races, but in local you really can just drown someone in cash and pretty much make it inevitable that they [the Soros-backed candidate] win.

A lot of these prosecutors have become household names like Kim Fox — the one who got Jussie Smollett, the former actor — off was a former Soros-backed prosecutor. In San Francisco you mentioned Chesa Boudin, the son of two 60s radicals who was raised by Bill Ayers, and one of his main policies, he effectively legalized shoplifting in San Francisco. Because in California, it's just a misdemeanour if you steal less than $900-worth of something, which is actually common in many states.

But the difference is he's just not prosecuting misdemeanours of that sort, so it basically makes it legal.

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