Is COVID-19 a pandemic? Scientist discusses Canada’s all-cause mortality

In this report, I sit down to interview Dr. Denis Rancourt, an expert in statistical analysis methods who has written over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals. We discuss one of Rancourt’s recent analyses on all-cause mortality in Canada between 2010 to a portion of 2021.

Rancourt looked at weekly all-cause mortality data in Canada by sex and by province, and concluded not only that COVID-19 was never a pandemic in Canada, but also that the way we responded to COVID-19 likely resulted in deaths of our elderly and young males.

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Drea Humphrey

B.C. Bureau Chief

Based in British Columbia, Drea Humphrey reports on Western Canada for Rebel News. Drea’s reporting is not afraid to challenge political correctness, or ask the tough questions that mainstream media tends to avoid.


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