Rebel Roundup: Sheila Gunn Reid and Keean Bexte
It turns out that that the Trudeau Liberals actually gave $830,000 of YOUR money to a laboratory in Wuhan suspected of kicking off the pandemic. Uh, yeah, THAT lab – the lab that is suspected of kicking off this global pandemic. Sheila Gunn Reid has all the unbelievable details.
Have you noticed that a western premier is acting far more prime ministerial than, well, the prime minister himself! Keean Bexte will weigh in on how Jason Kenney is truly outshining Justin Trudeau when it comes to that commodity that is known as leadership.
And finally: I’ll share some of your responses regarding my story about an Ontario family of four who were fined $880 for the egregious crime of… inline skating in a deserted parking lot? Oh, it’s true – and you had plenty to say about this case of bylaw gone bad.