Welcome to Rebel Roundup, ladies, and gentlemen — and the rest of you — in which we look back at some of the very best commentaries of the week by your favourite Rebels. I’m your host, David Menzies.
In the name of climate change, the Dutch government has declared war on its farmers. And guess what: the farmers and their supporters are fighting back. Lewis Brackpool (@Lewis_Brackpool) joins me for the latest news from the Netherlands. Plus, Montreal police push Alexa Lavoie and citizens away to protect Justin Trudeau.
And letters; we get your letters; we get your letters every minute of every day. And I’ll share some of your hilarious responses regarding our new Justin Trudeau/Fidel Castro T-shirts – which are flying off the shelves these days, by the way.
Those are your Rebels, now let’s round them up…