David Menzies with Sheila Gunn Reid & Ezra Levant
Hey folks, if you are concerned about all those “irregular” migrants illegally waltzing into Canada, have no fear. The authorities are making certain to ask these folks tough screening questions to make sure we aren’t harbouring any bad guys here. For example, one question is:
“Do you play videogames?”
No, seriously. Sheila Gunn Reid shall explain all…
The federal election is over and perhaps the biggest constituency that is NOT happy are those living in the province of Alberta.
More governance from the Trudeau Liberals means yet more years of pipeline paralysis. And the hit on the economy is creating a very real separatist movement in Wild Rose Country. Rebel Commander Ezra Levant will drop by to offer his thoughts.
And finally: I’ll share some of your responses regarding the amount of physicality Rebel reporters had to put up with by those on the oh so tolerant left. Yeah, when it comes to tolerance, Liberals like to talk a mean game. In practice? Not so much.