Severely injured B.C. father gets no support from Vaccine Injury Support Program

Diagnosed with COVID-19 vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia after taking the AstraZeneca shot, Shaun Mulldoon talks us through his injuries, his limited vax exemption and the stress of dealing with Canada's Vaccine Injury Support Program.

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In British Columbia, a man named Ross Wightman’s vaccine injury story is surprisingly making headlines throughout the legacy media for his COVID-19 vaccine injury, because he is one of first people to have their injury claim accepted by Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP).

In today's report, we interview Shaun Mulldoon, whose suffering was so great that he is also one of the rare people who have had their vaccine injury covered by the legacy media.

But unlike Wightman, has yet to have any indication that he will be compensated by VISP for his injury. After taking a COVID-19 shot back in April of 2021, Mulldoon quickly deteriorated, developed blood clots, and ended losing six feet of his intestine, leaving him with a temporary ostomy and Short Bowel Syndrome, due to an adverse reaction to a vaccine that many believed they should take because “the first shot is the best shot.”

Just like Wightman who ended up paralyzed for some time from his vaccine injury, Mulldoon’s injuries were also from the AstraZeneca  jab, and he was diagnosed with vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT).

While the government of Canada still states that “All COVID-19 vaccines authorized in Canada are proven safe, effective and of high quality” on their website page detailing the “AstraZeneca Vaxzevria COVID-19 vaccine”, the COVIDSHIELD version of AstraZeneca that Mulldoon and Wightman were inoculated with “was not transitioned to the Food and Drug Regulations” when the interim emergency use order for the drug expired back in September.

Perhaps the fact that the B.C. government is no longer recommending and coercing people to take the originally authorized AstraZeneca shot is why the legacy media aka government-backed media in B.C. is willing to share vaccine injury stories like Wightman's and Mulldoon's, but underreports vaccine injury stories like Tenley Csolle, a young women form Kelowna who is still re-learning how to walk after her Moderna shot. Or the injury story of a Maple Ridge B.C. woman named Franci DuPerronn, who is the first person to have been paid out by VISP in Canada, because her mother dropped dead after taking a Moderna shot.

We have a follow up report coming soon with Duperron, but for now watch my video report to hear Mulldoon's shocking story, not just about his injury, but how the government COVID-19 mandates that discriminated against him for not being able to take another COVID shot, and the amount of extra stress the VISP’s application process has caused him.

The VISP continues to be evasive when we try to get answers for the general public about the claims they’ve received.

When asked about how many claims VISP has accepted per province, and to which brand of COVID-19 vaccine the claims were related, VISP responded by saying “the Vaccine Injury Support Program is not responsible for tracking these kinds of statistics.”

This answer is not acceptable for the public who deserve informed consent about heavily promoted vaccines by the government. To help support my colleague Tamara Ugolini and myself continue to investigate VISP, please donate what you can to

If it makes you sick that Canada's support for the freedom to make our own medical decisions has drifted so low that people have lost not only their jobs, but their rights, for simply opting out of a novel treatment that could cause crippling disabilities like Mulldoon’s and Wightman’s please help us fight to restore medical freedoms in Canada by making a charitable donation to the Democracy Fund at

Click here to find out about the recent legal challenge in Supreme Court to B.C.’s Vaccine Passport that Rebel News supporters generously donated to make happen.

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  • By Ezra Levant

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